Ah ngau was giving speech I think..or is it she was too excited while waiting for the food?
A close up shot on Cunning Cow...See la...I where got bluff you...See how fired up she was while talking...
Still having a few pictures to upload but until I consider all the option,I won't upload it due to some technical problems *cough*bullshit*cough*
After my last paper,I had fun in teasing my other housemates.They finish their exam on Monday. Still did not pack things up.Last minute person tsk tsk...
Cook dinner together with Angeline yesterday.We were lazy to go out so suddenly Angeline came up with the idea of cooking chezzy meatballs.So off we go to TESCO,our only source of entertainment lulz...Decided to cook instant soup,scramble eggs and chezzy meatballs but in the end changed chezzy meatballs to black pepper chicken sold in Tesco.Ended up that we couldn't finish all the food..Wasted..Still,the instant soup turns out to be not bad..Did I mentioned I was abit crazy few days ago and went ahead to buy a bar of TESCO chocolate...After having a few bites,it doesn't taste that bad...It was sweeter that Cadbury's...
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