Ghost Festival is not QingMing as QingMing is only for the ancestors while Ghost Festival is for all the spirits.It is something like free for all lol.I still remember last semester when I was required to do an assignment regarding this topic.Did quite a research but unfortunately my computer suffers BSOD and was required to be formatted. The files in it was also deleted as well.
Anyway,I felt that it's more livelier in Penang where most of the places are build with stages for the girls to sing.The karaoke show is actually for the spirits and there will be empty chairs on the first row.It is actually for the spirits to sit and enjoy the performance.Not only spirits enjoy the performance but also the old uncles who waited and some to the extend of going to the back stage hoping to catch a glimpse of the performers changing clothes.

Still,we need to be careful during this time of month.It is not something to joke with.I'm going to list the Dont's during this Ghost Festival.
1)Do not go out late at night.
2)Do not step on or step over the remains of the joss sticks and stuffs that are burnt for the spirits.
3)Do not simply flash lights to any dark buildings or trees.
4)Do not seat on the seats assigned for the spirits.
5)Do not go near the sea at night.
6)Do not whistle during the night.
I could only think of these few now.Experiences wise?I experienced number 2 and 3 personally.Not that I was the one but it happened in front of my eyes.
Number 2:
I was still Standard 6 that time and there is this friend of mine who is at Standard 2.So while we are waiting for our school bus to come,he kicked an apple that was supposed to be for the spirits.Nothing happened until we reached the school when suddenly he fell down to the floor on his own.There is nothing bumpy that he might tripped on.
Number 3:
We were having a 3 days 2 night camp at school and there is this favorite game that I liked which is the 'Alien Hunt'.The condition to play this game is to play at midnight with the whole school lights shut down.So there is one junior group that did not heed our advices and started to torch the lights on the 2nd floor.Lo and behold,the whole group saw something and was forced to retired from the game.I still remember that the leader scold the junior like mad for playing a fool and now the whole group had the chances to saw it.
So guys and girls,I wish you luck this month and do not do unnecessary things that you do not need to do at night!!

To those who do not believe it,it's better to be safe than sorry isn't it?
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